
What uses are given to outdoor profile coatings?
One of the many uses we can give to outdoor profile coatings is to cover the façade plates of efficient and ventilated buildings. Thanks to this, you can give a different aspect to the façade of any building, being able...
How to give a rustic touch to your home with coatings of profiles
One of the most current trends that we can find to give a new look to both PVC and aluminum doors and windows as well as many different furniture, are the coatings of profiles. For this, an adhesive sheet is...
Cómo darle un toque rústico a tu hogar con recubrimientos de perfiles
Los recubrimientos de perfiles son una de las tendencias más actuales que hay para dar un aire nuevo a las puertas y ventanas de PVC o de aluminio, así como a muchos muebles. Aplicando una hoja adhesiva podemos cambiar por...
Paper coatings to give a touch of spring to your kitchen
With the arrival of the new year and a new season such as spring, many changes occur in the home and although not everyone can make a reform in the kitchen, one of the most used spaces in the home,...
Revestimientos de papel para darle un toque primaveral a tu cocina
Con la llegada del año nuevo y una nueva estación como es la primavera, hay voluntad de cambios y, aunque no todo el mundo puede acometer la reforma de la cocina, uno de los espacios más utilizados del hogar, sí...
How to choose the best coating for my facade
We are currently in a moment in which the appearance and aesthetics is something that is valued very much and where everyone is looking for something different. It can be to customize it or to give it a different character....