A house that does not have a proper insulation can lose up to 25% of energy through the walls. One of the solutions to avoid it, is using coatings of aluminum profiles. With an installation like this, two objectives are met, one is to isolate the home, and another is to provide a decorative touch.
Aluminum, an effective and affordable insulation for the home
Different systems can be used to insulate the walls, such as aluminum profiles, very thin slats, which are very light but are ideal for a correct covering, both for ceilings and walls. One of its main characteristics is that they reflect the heat, preventing it from going through the walls.
This alternative is one of the main measures we can take into account to avoid losing the thermal energy of the home during the months when it is colder in a simple, affordable and effective way.
It is necessary to specify that they are not boards, but that they are aluminum profiles and that between one and the other there is a small space so that the wall can breathe and aerate. In this way, it is possible to avoid that the heat reflected in the aluminum profiles can heat the wall and, when it cools, it can create condensation and can also contribute to the appearance of humidity and mold.
The placement of this kind of profiles is very simple in most cases and there are several ways to place them. One way is by staples directly on the wall or also thanks to some special adhesives.
Also, you can find different alternatives such as placing the profiles on rails that have been placed on the wall, so that it will be much easier to place the profiles one by one to cover the entire wall.